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30 students


  • To increase awareness of biodiversity among school children for the conversation about biodiversity and its sustainable and equitable use.
  • To create an empowered group of child advocates for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)


  • Students are made aware of the provisions under CBD and biodiversity in the Indian context
  • Bring the schools and the students closer to national and global issues on biodiversity, conservation, and sustainability and increase awareness of them.
  • Children make informed decisions and know the roles they can play in biodiversity conservation.
  • Children make lifestyle changes even as they advocate for long-lasting changes within communities and at national and global level policy changes and the fulfillment of the same.

Partners and collaborators:
WWF, Rossari Biotech Limited, NINEISMINE, ERI

  • Quiz



Anisha George

Anisha George is working as a Program Coordinator - International Projects at PRATYeK. Anisha has been trained in child rights and qualified as a teacher who is keen in promoting child-led advocacy. She has attended various workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals conducted by the United Nations, UNICEF and other renowned organisations. She has successfully completed a course on Human Rights and Advocacy from the Edmund Rice International (ERI), Geneva in 2019. Anisha is proactive in advocating all Global Goals and Earth Rights. Further, she has submitted an oral statement at the 43rd Human Rights Commission on the deteriorating condition of air quality in India through the ERI.